Community Outreach
Women Empowerment Program
Community Food Relief
Art Centre
E- Empowerment programs: We aim to empower youth through providing skill-based-training through a variety of different programs. Our current program in this area is focused on supporting a group of young mothers in Kibera. We are providing training opportunities for them to learn self-sustaining skills such as tailoring, baking, hair dressing, and soap making. We also support them with some basic needs like food, clothing, and diapers.
We are hoping to be able to expand the empowerment program but are in need of equipment to do so. Some of the equipment we are looking for includes camera gear, a musical keyboard, and some speakers.
M- Media program: In a world where media is a constant, we want to empower youth to make healthy choices about their behaviour around technology while also teaching them to create a positive digital footprint. In this program we aim to teach and equip the youth with videography, photography, communication and journalism skills and encourage them to use these skills to promote positive messages.
I-Inspiration program: Through this program we offer meaningful experiences to people in the community that they may not have access to in order to motivate and inspire them. These unique experiences are important in developing elements of our community. Some examples of the things we discuss and want the youth to be involved in, include: working life, arts and culture, police and criminal justice, community and environment, as well as personal health and wellbeing.
Heavenly Day Care
Soccer Ministry
Mission Safari
Watamu and Diani beaches which are located along the Kenyan coast. They offer miles of white sand beaches, crystal-clear waters, and a wide range of water activities such as snorkelling, scuba diving, and deep-sea fishing. You can also explore the nearby marine parks, which are home to various marine life species such as turtles, dolphins, and whale sharks.
The Masai Mara National Reserve which is one of the most popular and iconic wildlife destinations in Africa. It is known for its annual wildebeest migration, which attracts thousands of visitors every year. It is home to the “big five” game animals, namely lions, elephants, leopards, rhinos, and buffalos, as well as other wildlife species. You’ll get to enjoy game drives, hot air balloon rides, and guided nature walks.
Lastly, we have adopted an unreached people group called the Maasai who are a fascinating ethnic group with a unique culture and way of life. They are known for their colorful traditional attire, their love for cattle, and their unique customs and beliefs. Our focus lies at reaching and assisting them through various projects like offering medical camps & distributing audio bibles to the local pastors as well as providing leadership training to them.
As you can see, It is never a dull moment with us! We can’t wait to introduce you to this worthwhile experience.